Saturday, 20 May

FLAME University held its 14th convocation ceremony on May 20, 2023, at the university campus. The ceremony saw the conferring of academic qualifications on both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Dr. Dishan Kamdar, the Vice-Chancellor of FLAME University, presided over the ceremony, along with members of the Governing Body, Board of Management, Academic Council, Deans, faculty, and other members of the FLAME community. The ceremony was graced by the presence of chief guest, Renuka Ramnath, Founder and CEO of Multiples Alternate Asset Management Pvt. Ltd. During the event, the academic achievers of various programs were felicitated and presented with medals in recognition of their academic and overall achievements.

Message from the
Chief Guest

What connects me personally with FLAME are the unique Indian values which are at the foundation of this institution. The education you have received here in FLAME combined with the opportunity that you are walking into, are potent for you to shatter all the past glass ceilings and build a better world. It is a matter of great pride for FLAME and a great privilege for me to see each of you script your own story.

Ms. Renuka Ramnath
Indian Private Equity Fund Manager and the Founder
CEO of Multiples Asset Management Ltd.

Message from the
Vice Chancellor

As you step out into the real world, be assured that your education at FLAME University has equipped you with the skills and knowledge to navigate challenges that you may face in the future. FLAME has laid a strong foundation for your growth and success. I also hope that you will carry with you the values of integrity, empathy, and social responsibility, which are the bedrock of the liberal education imparted at FLAME University.

Dr. Dishan Kamdar
FLAME University

Message from the

These multitudes of academic experiences in our journey at FLAME prepared us incredibly well for the real world, where no subject occurs in silos. We’re MBAs who understand psychology, psychologists who understand social nuances, and sociologists who know how to code.

Omkar Joshi
Class of 2023

Academic Awards


Celebrating Milestones: FLAME Convocation 2023

FLAME University Convocation 2023

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